I’m always meaning to do more blogging, but I always seem to have a million reasons that I never do. One of the things that I’ve always disliked was dealing with all of the overhead. I don’t want to log in and type things in a Javascript window, etc. I just want to blog.

For that reason I’ve moved my blog to Jekyll. Jekyll is a highly customizable static site generator that’s used to generate most of the pages on Github. It lets me write all of my blog posts in a text editor, so that (hypothetically) I can no blog anywhere and everywhere. The philosophy behind it can be found in the original blog post on it, Blogging Like a Hacker.

So there’s one more excuse for not blogging knocked off of my list. Hopefully I’ll do a better job of it.

(Oh, also, porting my blog over is a work in progress. If you see any bugs please let me know in the comments.)
